Kirkkonummi Osteopathic Practice

Examples of symptoms we treat
Neck and shoulder pain
Back pain
Pain and movement restriction in the joints
Muscle tensions and pain
Sciatica and numbness in the hands and legs
Post-operative tensions and pain
Digestive problems
In Finland an osteopath is a healthcare professional with protected occupational title registered by National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health Valvira. The graduate program of osteopathy at the Metropolia University of Applied Sciences is 4 years long.
The European Standard for Osteopathy Services (EN 16686) sets a benchmark for safety, quality, education and ethics of osteopathic care. When receiving osteopathic treatment you will be treated with respect and discreet. Your health and welfare is the priority number one and you are cooperating with your osteopath in the planning and decision making of your treatment. All conversations and your personal information are under confidentiality obligation.