Our osteopaths
Laura Vierimaa
Osteopath and massage therapist
I have always been interested in the function of human body and treating it. This interest led me first to study massaging and I graduated as a sport massage therapist on 2014. After studies the drive to learn about human body just grew bigger. I also started to get interested about body-mind connection and how to take this connection better into account when treating people. With these questions in my mind I ended up studying osteopathy and soon after starting the studies I realized that this field is the right one for me.
Already during the osteopathy studies I have done some courses about cranial- and biodynamic osteopathy and modern pain science. After graduating I'm still regularly attending courses with different subjects. As an osteopath I'm interested in all kinds of symptoms from joint- and muscle stiffness to stress related complaints. For me it is important to listen to the patient and I also want that the patient feels him- or herself heard.

Tomi Aarnio
After graduating from Aalto-university studying computer science, I started to realize that working with computers didn't feel good for me, so I started looking for a career that feels better. I had also been interested in how the human body and mind works, and was lucky to find osteopathy that fits perfectly to my personal interests. Osteopathic studies have given me a deep understanding of how the human body and the mind works. Now I feel I am doing what is right for me.
Every person is unique, and the same way each osteopath is different and thats why it's important to find yourself a therapist who is suitable for you. I am a calm thinker and an empathic listener by nature. I have always got along well with all people. I always try to find a treatment style that best fits for each person, but my general guideline is to help the nervous system to calm down, which gives the body more capacity to make changes and take care of health. When the body and the mind is relaxed, it is easier to treat the inner tensions of the body that are causing pain and other dysfunctions. My personal interests have led me to continue my studies with postgraduate courses on cranial and biodynamic osteopathy, which has already given me useful tools to balance the nervous system.